The Basics of Being a Bartender

In this video, you will learn about servsafe alcohol training. Being a bartender is a very rewarding job. It also takes a lot of training, tenacity, and dedication to learn the job.
MAking drinks for people quickly while simultaneously providing customer service, taking payments, and making sure you monitor the people at your bar is important. Bartending requires a good memory and good attitude. You will have to establish boundaries with people on a daily basis. The customers may not always be of sound mind. Make sure you avoid romantic encounters with customers and avoid giving away personal info. Always require ID when serving someone alcohol. Obey laws that prohibit you from providing alcohol to people who are clearly intoxicated. DO not allow an intoxicated person to drive. awareness of intoxication means the person must be refused of service. BArtenders must also be aware of personal safety. Refusing service to these people is important. No one should feel unsafe n their workplace. Often, different stats have different laws in the bar. If you are interested in legal more about being a bartender, keep watching the video for more information.