A Look At The Best Methods For Ice Cream Consumption In The United States

Here in the United States, people love their ice cream. As a matter of fact, the average person is likely to eat as many as 48 pints of ice cream over the course of just one year, something that comes out to eating ice cream around 28.5 times in this same period of time. As up to 40% of all Americans will eat ice cream at least once every two weeks, this high consumption of ice cream is something that should really come as no big surprise.
There are many types of ice cream out there, many flavors to choose from – especially since more and more innovation on the topic of ice cream creation is coming to the forefront. But no matter what, the old classics have remained popular. These classics are widely loved here in the United States, with chocolate ice cream alone making up around 20% of all ice cream sales, a full one fifth. Vanilla ice cream is even more popular, making up around one third of ice cream sales. Nearly this same amount (around 28% of all people surveyed, to be just a bit more specific) of all people have stated that vanilla ice cream is actually their all time favorite. This is likely to remain the case in the years that are ahead of us as well.
Where you enjoy your ice cream is also something that will vary from person to person – and from ice cream eating event to ice cream eating event. For instance, you might just keep ice cream in your fridge, as up to 87% of all households do at just about all points of time. For many people, knowing that ice cream is in the fridge and ready is something that can be hugely important. Ice cream is a nice treat just about anytime and even though more ice cream is produced in the month of June than during any other month, it’s true that ice cream is a treat that can be happily and readily enjoyed all throughout the year.
Going to an ice cream parlor for a to go cup of ice cream or to eat in the parlor itself is also common, especially during those summer months. After all, there are many different ways that you can eat ice cream. Ice cream sundaes are hugely popular and can serve as a treat for a single person or even for a couple (or a few) people to share. In addition to this, milkshakes of all flavors are hugely popular.
And while more and more people are becoming concerned about straw usage (such as the straws used in milkshakes), ice cream shops are finding a way around this problem. Eco-friendly paper straws are becoming more and more commonplace. These eco-friendly paper straws are certainly not just found in ice cream parlors but instead eco-friendly paper straws can be found just about everywhere. You might even be served eco-friendly paper straws in a drink you order from a bar. Eco-friendly paper straws can be perfect for milkshakes as well – and these eco-friendly paper straws can even be quite aesthetically appealing, something that should not be discounted. By making a small change to using eco-friendly paper straws, an ice cream parlor can lessen its overall environmental footprint by more than you might actually realize. Therefore, eco-friendly paper straws are likely to be more worth it than you even realize.
Of course, eating from an ice cream cone is largely eco-friendly as well. After all, ice cream cones create just about no waste, as you can (and should) eat the cone. The ice cream cone is something that has long been popular as well, having been developed more than a full 100 years ago back in the year of 1904. In the years that have transpired since, these ice cream cones have remained commonplace. They’ve, as you might have already guessed, remained delicious as well.
All in all, there are many things to be considered when it comes to getting and eating ice cream. Fortunately, there are many opportunities to get ice cream as well.