Cool Facts About America’s Love Affair With Beer

Mini keg growler

Nearly a sixth of Americans are drinking beer once every week. We drink quite a bit, from growlers, in mugs, and from personal kegs. Whatever growlers you prefer, and whatever type of tipple makes you happy, read on for some interesting facts about America’s favorite alcoholic beverage.

  • Americans definitely prefer beer to anything else. A 2016 poll by Gallup showed that 43% of people at or over legal drinking age prefer beer to either wine or spirits. Cider was the quintessentially American alcohol from Colonial times all the way up till Prohibition, and cider has been making a comeback. But beer has definitely replaced it, at least for now. People don’t call them beer growlers for nothing.
  • How much beer are we actually drinking? People in the United States aged 21 and older drank 27.5 gallons of beer and cider in 2015, per person. In 2011, we drank a total of 6.3 gallons, and people in New Hampshire alone drank 43 gallons each. It’s not clear what’s going on up there in the Granite State, but hopefully, they have enough growlers for sale to cover everyone.
  • What type of beer are we drinking? We’re drinking our own beer, first of all. In 2015 we drank 85% domestically produced beer. The craft brewing scene is hopping, too. Small craft brewers and other independents are now a fully 12% of the beer industry’s market share. Craft brewing in the United State is now worth well over $23 billion.
  • What does the future of beer look like? Right now things look pretty rosy. In the year 2015, we had more breweries than at any time in our history. There were 4,269 of them operating, and that was a grown of 15%. Any other industry would kill for 15% growth in a year. As the number of options grows, people are becoming more sophisticated and choosy about their tipple. Among craft brew enthusiasts, 84% like to choose beers and tastes that depend on the season.
  • With all the beer, how’s our health doing? Interestingly, there’s a strong correlation between moderate drinking and other good health habits. In 2001, the National Institutes of Health reported that people who drink about one drink a day (moderate drinkers) were twice as likely to exercise as teetotalers. Since less than 22% of the population is getting the recommended aerobic and weight-lifting exercise in every week, that’s not an insignificant correlation.

We love our beers, our ciders, and even our wine and spirits. We fill up some awesome growlers with craft beers that can be made to nearly any taste and preference. Get yourself the best beer growler you can, head on over to your local purveyor, and start experimenting with all that beer has to offer in America. You’re certain to find something that’s just to your taste.