Get to Know the Beauty of Microgreens

Microgreens in mixology

If you haven’t yet heard about microgreens and all of the benefits they hold, it just might be time to introduce yourself to these little lovelies. Microgreens are not anything new. They have actually been around for close to 30 years.

Microgreens are young vegetable greens used as both flavor and visual components to many different kinds of dishes. Often seen in fine dining establishments, chefs use different micro green varieties to enhance the taste of their dishes with the delicate textures and distinct flavors they offer.

A specialty genre

What you might not know is that there are over 100 types of common flowers that are not only edible but extremely palatable as well. Now considered a specialty category of greens, they are smaller even than baby greens and are harvested a bit later than sprouts. Known for their unique and special colors and textures, they provide a variety of flavors, including sweet and spicy. They pack a whole lot of flavor in a tiny package.

A superfood in your kitchen

What growers have learned about these edible flowers and plants is that various micro green varieties are robust superfoods that are packed with nutrients, energy, and antioxidants. What’s more, these tiny little gems have been found to have even more nutritional value than their grownup counterparts. If leafy greens are your thing, boy are you going to love microgreens.

A scale for your microgreen knowledge

If you are not already familiar with microgreens, you might not be familiar with what would be the best way to go about purchasing the best type for you and your needs. Generally, micro green varieties are rated on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (brilliant). The threshold for marketability, in general, is 3 and up. This is on a visual quality scale. Anything less than a 3 is considered an unmarketable product by the industry standards.

A simple way to eat

While the idea of microgreens might be new to you, the truth is, there is a wonderful simplicity to them. Microgreens are best eaten raw. Otherwise, they lose their vitality. When they are cooked, they lose some of their precious water-soluble vitamins and enzymes. The best time to consume them is within two to four days of purchasing them. There is really not much to it. Enjoying the tastes of the various micro green varieties and benefiting from the nutritional value they provide is decidedly uncomplicated. Just find the ones you like and off you go.

In our modern-day world, we have come to understand how important it is to give your body the right amount of vitamins and minerals every single day. The good news is that microgreens are a quick and very easy way to do just that. You can find many different micro green varieties at your local grocer and begin giving your body the nutrients in a way that shakes and meal replacement bars simply cannot do.