Taking A Look At The Importance Of Reefer Trailers In The United States

Here in the United States, the need for transport via truck has become truly more important than ever before. With the rise of e-commerce not only in this country but all throughout the world as well, the need for shipping and delivery services is more than it has ever been. From clothing to toys to books, the variety of products bought online and delivered is truly an impressive one. Nowadays, it even includes a variety of food products as well.
Even just a few years ago, ordering food online would have been something of a taboo. After all, many people felt a healthy skepticism for ordering goods like produce online, as they felt far more comfortable when they were able to look at the produce in question in person before actually making a decision about buying it. Nowadays, however, online grocery shopping has skyrocketed in popularity, with just about any goods and food products available on a variety of online platforms.
But why is this the case? For many people, the time that needs to be taken in order to go grocery shopping can easily be replaced by more valuable and productive tasks through the use of various online shopping platforms. These platforms can be used to streamline a busy schedule or even just to get groceries when they are needed and when going to the store isn’t really a possibility (such as when someone or all the people in the household are sick, as can become common during the winter months here in the United States).
For the transport of food, the use of reefer trucks is necessary. Used trailer refrigeration units for sale have become more popular than ever before here in the United States, coupled with new reefer trailers for sale as well. In fact, the market for the new and used trailer refrigeration units for sale is actually expected to exceed a value of $7,600 by the time that we reach the year of 2022, now just a few short years in the future. This number has been calculated on a global scale, with an anticipated growth rate of nearly 5% in the time from the year of 2016, now a couple years in the past, to that same year of 2022.
Here in the United States, the number of used thermo king refrigeration units and other such used trailer refrigeration units for sale has seen a particularly large amount of growth, alongside the sales of new reefer trailers for sale as well. In fact, as many as 40,000 of various types of refrigeration trailers were ordered in the January of this current year alone, let alone in any other month all throughout the year. In addition to this, it’s actually been estimated that as many as half of a million refrigeration trailers of various types (used and new alike) are currently in use here in the United States alone, let alone anywhere else throughout the world where reefer trailers have become popular and even necessary.
However, if you’re interested in looking at any used trailer refrigeration units for sale, you’ll need to understand exactly what it is that you’re looking for, from size requirements for intended purpose. For though these used trailer refrigeration units for sale tend to be generally about the same size, this does not mean that they do not vary, for used trailer refrigeration units for sale can actually vary by quite a bit when all is said and done. For instance, used trailer refrigeration units for sale (or new ones, of course) could be as short as 28 feet in length. However, they could also be as long as 53 feet in length, though they typically won’t be much longer than this. In addition to this, the average reefer trailer, used or new, also tends to hit a maximum height at around 13.5 feet at the very most.
No matter what you need a reefer trailer for, used trailer refrigeration units for sale are a great way to get a refrigerated trailer but at a considerably lower price – in comparison to any given new reefer trailer found here in the United States.