Could Adding Sugar Flowers To Your Dishes Step Up Your Old Favorites?

One of the best ways to make your delectable treats look regal and full of the gusto that you mean for them to is to add edible blossoms to your sweets. An edible flower added a beauty all of its own to your perfect pastry that will make your guests feel as if your dish is most defiantly an instagram worthy food. What are some edible flowers and what exactly are edible flowers to begin with? Before you add these beautiful additions to your dishes perhaps you need to do a little bit of research into knowing where they come from and how you can dress up your dishes with these beautiful sugar flowers.
What exactly are crystalized flowers?
Crystalized edible flowers can be called candied flowers or sugar flowers. These flowers are usually used as embellishments on everything from cakes and cupcakes to other creams that could use the slightest bit of elegant decoration to make them stand out amongst the other creatively decorated foods. These crystalized flowers are actual flowers that are edible and have been brushed with sugar to make them more tasty and more beautiful for your precious designs.
Which flowers can be edible?
There are roughly 100 different types of common garden flowers that are edible. This means that there are many different flowers that could be used in order to spruce up your dishes. Edible crystallized rose petals are a very popular addition to even the simplest of dishes. By adding edible crystallized rose petals to your desserts. Among these flowers perfect for crystallizing are violas and pansies as well. How perfect does the thought of an edible crystallized rose petals and crystallized viola sound for your next cake venture?
Presentation can be one of the biggest parts of getting your treats off to their respective diners. You see, unlike children who prefer many different colors on their plates to entice them into eating, adults prefer to have three different colors and three different food components for their dishes. While many colors and options might be good for children, the simple addition of edible crystallized rose petals on your dishes could be just the perfect simple addition to your perfected chocolate mouse cake for the adults dining in your establishment.
With dying in upscale establishments being up more than it has in past years perhaps it is time to step up your game and add these beautiful ideas to your simple dishes for a fun and pretty edible twist to your simple dishes that your customers already love. Adding the advantage of plating a beautiful dish could be just the addition that’s been missing to make your guests fall in love with every part of your dishes and their appearances. Sugar flowers for cupcakes and sugar flowers for wedding cakes may have taken off years ago, but when you add them to all of your favorite little dishes you add a new flavor and ton to something that no one would expect to see them on.
Familiarize yourself with what flowers are edible and get to redesigning your plates to incorporate this new design into your favorite dishes to share with your customers. The new additions will leave you feeling proud of everything you plate and place in front of all of your customers to keep them itching to come back and bring their family members along with them every time they come in. A plate that makes you smile is a plate that others are going to want to try and enjoy as well.